Coming this week
Sunday worship at 9.00 am and 10.30 am
and 6.00 pm on the last Sunday in the month
Follow us on Facebook
For a recording of Sunday 2nd February 10:30am Service follow this link and
click here for the service sheet
please look in CHURCH LIFE section of this Website under 'Recorded Services' for previous services
Love your church
a fun open afternoon on 9th February
for more information follow this link
St Peter's Centre
To hire this Centre click here
Black Country Foodbank
We are supporting the Black Country Foodbank. Follow the link to see how you can help
Financial Support
To financially support the church please follow this link.
Thank you for your support for St Peter's
Prayer Calendar.
Please click here for our Prayer Calendar; please join us in daily prayer for St. Peter's Church, its parish, its work, its worship and its witness.
We at St Peters Church are committed to keeping children, young people and vulnerable adults safe and to enable them to worship and grow in Christ safely. If you would like more information or to speak to someone please click here.
Our Vision
“Our vision is to be a growing all age church, experiencing and sharing the love of God with the people of Pedmore.”
Our Aim
Our aim is to celebrate the love of Jesus Christ and share it by word and action - and we would be delighted to welcome you!
Our Church
Our church services vary in formality, but all aim to help those who attend to worship God and learn more about him in the person of Jesus Christ.
If you are able to visit our church you will receive a very warm welcome, and find services designed to help you to worship.
We hope you find the website helpful - please do contact the Church Office for any further information; Tel 01562 887287 and e-mail churchoffice@stpeterspedmore.org
Our Rector
The Rev David Nichol can be contacted by phone: tel. 01562 229470 or e-mail davidnichol1958@gmail.com
St Peter's Church is in the Diocese of Worcester, please click the logo below to access the Diocesan website.
St Peter's Pedmore PCC Charity Number: 1133783